Marlen Boro shares my philosophy that less is more during the holiday season. Marlen chooses not to muss and fuss with material things (material at all for that matter) and get down to the heart of what the holiday means. Using barely more than dollar store bunny ears, Marlen photographed several of his favorite models to celebrate the Easter Holiday. I will be sharing a few of them over the next couple of days.

Eggs, rabbits and hares, are fertility symbols of antiquity. Model DJ Hunter is a perfect symbol for the Easter Bunny. Absolutely adorable, killer grin and a hint of mischief. The perfect guy to hop on over with candy and treats!

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If you want to see more, and DJ just whetted your appetite for some sweet Easter Treats you can head on over to Marlen's site to see a brand new slide show featuring close to 100 images of Jesse (below). Just hit HERE: to begin!