With the invention of the DVR television commercials are basically a thing of the past for me. I love being able to fly through an hour long show in 18 minutes (sometimes less...). I do have fond memories of commercials as a child however, sometimes more the shows themselves, certain commercials remind me of certain times of our lives. There are two commercials currently running that both have made an impact on me, and I am sure of few of you.
Dairy Queen
Actor, writer and trapezer (yes trapezer) John Behlmann is so damned adorable and engaging I get a hard on every time I drive by a Dairy Queen. I am not even an ice cream guy but thoughts of blizzards and dipped cones have all now weaved together with thoughts of John. This talented actor has a long resume of television and stage work and the as the Dairy Queen guy, I could watch his commercials over and over! Join John on Facebook HERE:
And, on the flip side...
Weight Watchers
Every time the Jennifer Hudson weight watchers commercial comes on I, the most non violent person on the planet, want to find a gun and pull an Elvis on the television screen. I like Hudson, her talent is beyond, but this commercial seems to be on a loop playing to the point even the most dedicated of weight watchers members must be grabbing for the ruffles.