Still so far to go...Each time I hear about anyone, especially a teenager, whose life becomes so unbearable, so devoid of hope, that they feel there is no choice but to end it I feel sad and get angry. This sadness however is usually short lived as it is tragically becoming a regular part of the news cycle.
Something said about Jamey Rodemeyer has really stuck with me and I can't seem to shake it. An 8th grader at Jamey's school said 'He made friends of the friendless.'
I think of all the Religious based organizations who have poured millions into trying to stop same sex marriage. All the people in the name of the bible trying belittle, criticize and assault those different than themselves. Then I think of this 14 year old, making friends of the friendless. If there was ever a behavior that so closely mirrored that of Jesus it would have been the way in which this 14 year old gay youth interacted with others. The irony is fucking mind boggling.