
Kudos to Duckie!


I have never made a secret of the fact I LOATHE Two And A Half Men. I dislike it for many reasons, Charlie Sheen being at the top of the list (and long before Winning became the chant of those losing). What bothers me the most about this show is that CBS brands the show as 'family fare' and would question any parent supporting anyone under 16 watching. The show has talented writers and creators but this is certainly not their best work. The fact it is one of the countries top rated comedy makes me shudder (Thankfully Big Bang Theory narrowly edged into the #1 spot).

I do have to give it up for Jon Cryer, whom I have enjoyed since Pretty In Pink. Jon, and the entire cast really, took a different high road than Sheen, staying relatively silent on the whole Sheen affair even when he attempted to bring down their livelihood with him. Cryer spent his hiatus working, including his role in the incredible production of Company (below). Given his role on Men, Cryer could have spent this time on 20/20, Joy Behar, The Today Show, Extra or any number of shows giving his opinions on Sheen and the whole mess. Instead he sang and danced on stage choosing to let the whole mess play itself out without the need to play a part in it. Kudos to Cryer!


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