I am trying to like the new Rosie show. Rosie O'Donnell is one those celebrities who often bugs the shit out of me. Loud and abrasive, I often disagree with much of what she says. But I cannot help but respecting her, as much for her struggles as her accomplishments. She is a beautifully flawed woman but her desire to spotlight and support those most ignore is something I appreciate.
I give Rosie kudos for her spotlight this week on the occupy Wall street protesters. To be honest I somehow tuned out this story, not really paying much attention to the people involved and specific reasons for the protests. I had a vague idea and am a bit ashamed I found them a bit annoying. Rosie however did something I have not really seen, or maybe did not paid attention to, in other newscasts and television shows. Rosie made me care. She put a face, many of them, on the protesters and not the overall reason we all should be angry, but the individual reasons people have had enough.